#1 Parent/ Carer - Telephone number(s): Home / Work / Mobile
Enter your text
#1 Parent/ Carer - Email
Enter your text
#1 Parent/ Carer - Resident with child?
#1 Parent/ Carer - Address (inc. postcode) - if different to child
Enter your text
Relationship to child: Title / Surname #2
Enter your text
#2 Parent/ Carer - First name
Enter your text
#2 Parent/ Carer - Occupation
Enter your text
#2 Parent/ Carer - Telephone number(s): Home / Work / Mobile
Enter your text
#2 Parent/ Carer - Email
Enter your text
Sibling(s) name(s)
Enter your text
Sibling(s) date(s) of birth
Enter your text
Sibling(s) current school(s)
Enter your text
Applicant: Current school / nursery
Enter your text
Applicant: Current year group
Enter your text
Applicant: Name of Teacher /Head
Enter your text
Applicant: Current school/nursery address
Enter your text
Applicant: Current school / nursery telephone number
Enter your text
Applicant: Current school / nursery start date
Enter your text
Applicant: Reason for leaving current school / nursery
Enter your text
Applicant: Previous school/nursery
Enter your text
Applicant: Name of previous Head / Teacher
Enter your text
Applicant: Address of previous school / nursery
Enter your text
Applicant: Dates attended previous school
Enter your text
Please sign to give consent for Edinburgh Steiner School contacting any of the above nurseries/schools to request a verbal or written report for your child, and to authorise his/her/their previous school/nursery to provide this information to the Edinburgh Steiner School.
Enter your text
If you wish for this to be delayed for any reason, please indicate here
Enter your text
Please give details of any specific health problems, past or present
Enter your text
In the interest of the child, it is important for parents / carers to advise of any disability that the applicant has, and of any medical condition or other circumstancewhich might require him/her/them to be given special assistance at the School or about which you think we should be aware. Please give specific details in a separate letterto accompany this application form (emailed to admissions@edinburghsteinerschool.org.uk).
Enter your text
Please provide any other details you feel we should know about your child, including any additional support for learning that your child has received or is currently receiving.
Enter your text
Please describe what out of school activities, hobbies, and interests your child enjoys
Enter your text
Please state your reasons for choosing a Steiner Waldorf education for your child
Enter your text
How did you first hear about the school?
How did you first hear about the school? Other
Enter your text
Have you attended an Open Tour?
Did you attend a Meet the Head of School, Nick Brett?
Did you attend a Kindergarten Tour?
SECTION 8: CHECKLIST Please check and tick to confirm you have completed the following parts of the application form
Please tick to confirm you have emailed separately all the neccessary documents to admissions@edinburghsteinerschool.org.uk
Please tick any of the below that apply
I confirm that I have given full and accurate information on this application. I understand that in matters relating to admissions to the Edinburgh Steiner School, the decision of the School is final. I understand that my application may be refused at any stage of the admissions processand the school reserves the right to withdraw a place if relevant information is not disclosed in the application process. Signature of both parents / carers are required
Enter your text
The General Data Protection Regulation 2018: Edinburgh Steiner School will retain and use the personal details supplied on this form, or in connection with the application strictly in accordance with the 'The General Data Protection Regulation 2018. This information will be used for the purposes of processing the application, record keeping and internal analysis for advertising or marketing purposes. We shall not use such information for any other purpose without first informing you and obtaining your consent to such new purpose.
Edinburgh Steiner School is a charitable company registered in Scotland (SC002109). Registered office: 6 St Colme Street, Edinburgh. Steiner School is a registered collective mark of Waldorf UK (formerly Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship)
Application Process: I have read the 'Application Process' on the School's website